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Delilah Lockwood Empty Delilah Lockwood

Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:19 pm
Delilah Lockwood 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f704b2d55367573646534434141413d3d2d3636393535383534312e313537323736306633623166303064303432363738353335373033312e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720

Name: Delilah Adelaide Lockwood
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (but still in the closet about it.)

Personality: There is no hiding who this girl is the moment you look at her. You just see her soft features and you know she’s a delicate little flower. Lilah is a kind, empathetic, and spirited individual. She is always showing mercy to those who need it and kindness when it is not easy to do so. There is not a single bone in her body that can allow herself to even hurt a fly, not after the emotional wounds that have been bestowed upon her.For where there is hatred, show love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is discord, union; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is doubt, hope; Where there is darkness, light’ and where there is sadness, joy.

On the down side she can be a bit of a pushover at times. Delilah isn’t good with confrontation and doesn’t like to oppose people. Yelling makes her stressed out, sad and confused making it impossible to think correctly, she hates yelling and she hates being yelled at. Ms.Lockwood can be rather timid at times and shy away from bigger personalities, and often is a wallflower unless she has grown comfortable with you.

When she is comfortable with you she will get bursts of passion and spew a lot of information about whatever it is she’s interested in at the time.
Flaws: Flaws above.
Eye color: Brown
Hair description: Medium brown hair that cascades down to just passed her shoulders.
Height: 5’4”
Skin tone: Fair.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Body structure: Small and delicate frame.
Other details?: Delilah has two similar scars on her back that seem to be healed over, but never seem to get smaller or less noticeable to the eye. Most people aren’t usually too sure what they are and Lilah will typically go quiet when asked.  

Place of Birth: Unknown.
Mortal Parent: William Lockwood. William is as esteemed entrepreneur and has started his own company up from the ground. He is the proud owner of a prosthetics company. He finds many demigods and legacies lose limbs and want something that either is very realistic to what they had prior or they wanted an ‘upgrade’ of sorts. He has made large profits off of his work and he really enjoys making the prosthetics. You can find him at Lockwood’s Prosthetic and Orthotics which is located down Trivia Lane in New Rome.  
God Parent: Epione(R) goddess of soothing pain and healing.
Legacy of: Cupid god of desire, love, attraction, and affection.
Abilities: Pain Killer Touch - With a single touch Lilah can help soothe another person’s pain. Her hands are always warm and filled with a healing touch. It doesn’t heal anyone by any means, it just helps soothe their pain and let it ease into something more bearable.
Paper cut/scratch be gone bygone(wait what?) - With small cuts or scratches Lilah is able to heal these up without suffering from energy loss. Have a cat scratch that stings? She can help heal that for you!
Rose Coloured Glasses - Delilah can make people see her in rose coloured glasses. It doesn’t really change their view of her so much, but they can imagine themselves with her or they can imagine themselves dating her or feeling attracted to her. It is easily resistible and non binding. It takes no energy as it is more of an aura she has rather than something she willingly does. She has no control over it.
Powers: Fight or Flight? Always Flight - Due to being a legacy of Cupid Delilah has one pass down especially since her own father has it too. She is able to bring out her wings which are pure white in colour and they just surpass her arms length. Lilah can fly up to a height of twelve feet with ease, anything higher puts too much strain on her body and could make for serious errors. If she is carrying a person she can only reach a make height of eight feet and can only withstand flight for as long as she can hold the person (Which is fairly low chances as she doesn’t have a lot of body strength.)

Her flight duration while solo flying can last for up to two hours before she has to stop and recharge. It drains a lot of energy out of the demigod to the point of exhaustion, dehydration, and muscle cramping. Symptoms can be a lot more severe if she were to push her luck any farther.

Healing, that’s it no fancy name here - The demigod can also heal certain wounds. She is not a miracle worker and she can’t heal things that would be impossible. It takes a lot of energy but if she focuses on big wounds she can start to close some of the tissue and layers of skin back together to cease bleeding out to death, but she can’t recover the full wound, it’d need medical attention whenever possible. Lilah can basically buy people mroe time.
Pets: Bernese Mountain dog named Bear. He is 6 years old. Delilah has had Bear since she was a ten year old girl and he has been her best friend since then. She will not go anywhere without him and often times you can see him wearing purple bandannas to fit in with everyone else wearing purple shirts.

History: You see that house there? The one in New Rome that everyone walks passed and wishes they owned? The one with the beautiful porcelain coloured columns? The house that almost looks daunting in how perfect it is with the little white not so picket fence. Instead a white iron fence as it is more durable. It is a house only people could dream of having enough money to own or to even dream to see the inside of. That’s right, no one has ever really stepped foot into that house, the one on the other side of the fence and tall bushes. Only people that have stepped foot inside it are the residents of the home, a doctor, a tutor, a butler, and a maid.No one else has been in there as there are many signs warning off intruders. Not that anything could happen, right? It is New Rome after all and Terminus wards off any weapons. Right? Well no one has been foolish enough to try.

Ah, but the residents that take up the home? There are four of them. A father and his three children. The oldest member of course being the father, William Lockwood. He is the son of Helena Lockwood and Cupid the god of love and attraction. William was an attractive guy in his time during camp, he had girlfriends all the time and never had an issue finding the next after he got caught cheating or breaking up with the last. It wasn’t just his looks that pulled you in. It was his charm and wit he possessed, the way his eyes sparkled in the light, and just the stigmatism that he was some bad boy that got into danger. Often times he was nicknamed the Angel of Death for various reasons that no one will dare to speak of any longer.

William Lockwood would grow up to want to make prosthetics for people and grew passionate about his business. He began to raise quite a bit of funds especially when he opened his online shop as well. With those funds he slowly got into the housing market and began to turn houses in California and turning even larger profits until he bought the land his current home resides on. He planned every detail of the house that he’d eventually home his family in.

Our next resident is William’s oldest child Juliana Lockwood who is approximately nineteen years old currently. Juliana who often goes by Liza is almost done her training at Camp Jupiter and has gone on various combat missions with her cohort. Jules is the typical older sister in the fact that she can be rather bossy and act as if she knows what is best for everyone. She was the sibling that had to help raise her younger siblings and take care of them when their father would show no remorse which had made her grow up way before her time. You will hardly see Liza resides in the Lockwood mansion as she primarily lives in the barracks now.

The only resident we have yet to touch on is Ms. Delilah Lockwood herself. She is the youngest child to Mr. William Lockwood and is often overlooked by her father. He constantly yells at her to try and thicken her skin, but all it does is make her have rivers running from the corners of her eyes. He often uses the words ‘pathetic’ and ‘sensitive’ to describe his daughter Delilah.

Although from a young age her father has always known there to be something special about Delilah unlike his other children, she had the same ability to fly and sprout wings as he did. He made her keep it a secret and would take her out to teach her every now and then. In moments like those it was the only time she ever really felt her father’s love. Other than that it was madness about being better and pushes the idea of a perfect image down her throat, that or no image. Her own father has told her numerous times that he will not hesitate to disown her and never speak to her again.

Delilah’s only saving grace was the fact that she was given Bear as a puppy on her tenth birthday. He is her best friend and in some ways her emotional therapy dog.

When it came time for Delilah to get sorted into a cohort like her older sister had been in prior years to herself, her father had decided to only had his youngest daughter one recommendation letter. Her older sister had at least three letters and managed to get into the second cohort, but Delilah wasn’t having the same fate. Mr.Lockwood mentioned that he needed to save the good references for Arthur and at the same time it would set the fire under her ass to work even harder if she got put in a socially “lesser” cohort.
Cohort: Lilah has found her own little piece of home with cohort five.
Notes: No notes.

Last edited by Astoria on Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:10 am; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2019-02-26
Age : 26

Delilah Lockwood Empty Re: Delilah Lockwood

Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:32 pm
Beautiful form! Approved!!
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