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Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-03-21
Age : 22

Don't Stay Out Too Late, The Sheep Are Near. Empty Don't Stay Out Too Late, The Sheep Are Near.

Sat Mar 30, 2019 11:17 pm
Maisie and Nevaeh had decided to go for a walk in the forest of camp, Maisie hadn't really had the best time within the past couple of weeks.  Nevaeh was just bored and wanted to be there for her friend.  As they were walking they were just making small talk, there wasn’t really that much time left in the summer and they would be going back home soon.

“I don’t want to go back, it’s not even really my home,” Maisie said, annoyance clear in her voice.

Vaeh nodded, “I know what you mean, but you don’t necessarily have to.”  She paused while watching around them as it was getting kind of dark and the forest gave off weird vibes at night, maybe that’s why she never ventured in past 6pm.  “You could always stay year-round.”

“Yeah I guess, but I would never hear the end of it from my so called ‘dad’, he’s not even my dad, he’s my uncle.”  Maisie grumbled the last part, her arms crossing in front of her.  “I’m just not gonna go back.”  She shrugged and continued walking, dragging her feet a little.

Vaeh and Maisie walked in silence for a little while longer, until they heard it, a faint sound.   “What was that?” Vaeh said worriedly.

“It sounded like a sheep, nothing to be worried about, we should head back soon it’s dark I can hardly see out here.”  Maisie mumbled turning around.  As she started walking back she could hear Nevaeh following closely behind her.

Suddenly Maisie stopped, there were sheep, not just one, more than a dozen.  “Um, hello?”

“Baaahhh.”  The Sheep said making their way towards her and Nevaeh.  “Baahhh.”

“What the hell?” Vaeh muttered, “why do they look like that, oh my gods is that blood?”  She pointed at the mouths of one of the sheep, there was a look in it’s eye.  Maybe it was because the pupil was weirdly shaped but she was uncomfortable and she wanted to leave, now.

Nevaeh grabbed Maisie’s wrist and turned around to go in the opposite direction only to be met with sheep on the other side as well.  Maisie turned in a circle with wide eyes, “they’ve surrounded us.”

“And we don’t have our weapons.”

“What are we gonna do?” Maisie asked looking at Vaeh.

Nevaeh frowned slightly, “I have no idea, I mean they’re just sheep we could try just walking through them.”

“I don’t know man, they seem different.” Maisie said cautiously eyeing the sheep.

“Whatever man, they’re just sheep,” Nevaeh said before turning back to head back to the cabin, she took a few steps towards the sheep ready to just walk right through them.  “Move you stupid animals.”

“bAaAhHhH” The Sheep practically yelled and started nipping at Vaeh biting on her clothes, when one bit her finger she yelped.

“What the hell are wrong with these sheep?” she pushed her way through them.  But the more she got through the more surrounded her, as she was moving she heard a scream and turned around to where Maisie had been.

Maisie had watched as Nevaeh had started moving through the sheep, but she didn’t think that was the best idea.  As Nevaeh moved away from her she noticed the other sheep start to incircle her, she tried to wave them off but she didn’t want to be loud and startle them.  “Stop, go away,” she whispered toward the nearest sheep who was moving towards her slowly.  Not like it was afraid, more like it was a predator that didn’t want to scare off it’s prey.

“Baaah” The Sheep surrounding her said, before all at once they pounced on her, every sheep biting down on a different part of her body as one sheep grabbed her leg she fell to the ground and she screamed.

“Maisie?!?” Vaeh yelled worriedly, Maisie had been right, the loud noise had startled them.  One sheep bit down on Nevaeh’s hand while another bit down on her calf, she smacked her hand down on the sheep’s head before her other calf was bitten.  Vaeh fell and her head hit the ground. Knocking her unconscious.  She wouldn’t be waking up from that nap, and she wouldn’t ever be counting sheep again.

The next morning a few campers went to the woods looking for Maisie and Nevaeh, all they found were pieces of torn and bloody clothing.  A couple of the campers that had been out earlier the night before had made comments of some sheep they heard, but they had thought nothing of it.  There was never enough gathered to have a funeral service for them. But it’s not like anyone was really gonna miss them anyway.
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